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From the beginning...


Mid August 2013: iwanturmind creates a crew called Guns N Clipz to prepare for the GTA V game release. The objective of the crew was to create a place where all players could call home. All platforms were welcomed.

Aug 29th iwanturmind left the newly created crew Guns N Clipz where Gent911 became leader. I wanted to create a crew name more unique to the game GTA V. “I got the name (Gunz N ClipZ) from a friend of mine, when he didn’t join I decided I wanted to create something different. I wanted something that stood out from the rest.


Later that day iwanturmind created the Los Santos Mafia Family Crew: “I wanted a name to represent what I love so much in this game GTA and also unique to the location of GTA V. I’m a big mafia guy and I always wanted to be in a crew with a family atmosphere. Juliusdadon was recruited as second in command. The power would be concentrated within two people with 1 leader and 1 commissioner. We wanted to be a small tight crew. We only wanted players that truly wanted to be in one crew and one crew only no crew jumpers.

Sept 1-15th 2013: iwanturmind banned from Rockstar Crew Newsletters for three days for multiple post trying to get recruits. Fontastic and Persian take up recruiting duties. The Crew holds meetings with PSN Chat and Video Chat preparing for the game while we prepared for the game to release. Whisky, Fontastic, Lmafo and Westside, Sweetjones_iii were early members at meetings getting things in order for the game and online release. Crew grew from 1 to 75 members at this time.


Sept 17 to Sept 23rd: Game is released and recruiting was cut off for over a week. At this time we’re close to over 150 members. I gave recruiting a break for a week so we could concentrate on the game. Once people started finishing the game they were waiting for the online release. During this time iwanturmind changed name to MichaelCorleone_ to have a more mafia name as leader of growing crew. Leaders decided to stop recruiting and opened the crew acceptance so anybody can join. Within 3 hours crew went from 150 members to Rockstar allowed 300.


Sept 23rd thru Oct 1st - Crew waiting for the game to go online. Leader started promoting people who were part of the crew in the beginning to officer positions. Crew went from 1 leader and 1 commish to 1 leader and 12 commish.


Oct 1st thru 3rd 2013 - GTA Online is debuted to bugs no one could play. Worst online debut in Video Game history since the EA Game Sim City online only access game fiasco.


Oct 3rd to Oct 16th Crew begins to play GTA Online to great success. By the end of this time crew was ranked in the top 300 in the world. Everyone is excited…Crew has both platforms avail for membership. Two divisions PS3 and Xbox.


Oct 16th – 23th Michael moves back to NYC to return to work. Julius the Don was in charge. “I told everybody that I had to take trips back and forth to NYC in prepare of going back to work from a disability. I requested no changes be made during this time. While I was gone all hell broke loose and people were kicked out by Julius for no reason and crew members were killing crew members and taking property and making money off of the stolen property.” The crew was in total chaos which leads to the meeting with Rerun and Sweetjones_iii. Rerun and Sweetjones noticed how bad things were going with the crew while the leader was away. “They came to me as men and told me how they felt and what was bad and what was missing. They were willing to go but due to the fact that we build a strong relationship in the game, they decided to talk to me about it first. That honesty and respect lead to the following changes: The crew went from having both platforms to being a PS3 only crew. ‘We tried to create an xbox only crew with Sweetjones as leader but nobody joined. “I remember this when the guys came to me and proposed leaving the crew and starting their own crew. After this the crew was re-structured and a new power structure was formed. We sat down for hours and came up with the rankings for crew members to be different than what Rockstar posted. We also kicked out all non active players and crew members. Since we didn’t know who was doing what, we kicked out over 200 players that day to cut our crew back to fewer than 100 people.” Juliusdadon was kicked out and banned from crew. “A lot of problems when I left were due to people not listening and leading. I wanted a fresh start I felt Julius and I were going in different directions. Since I did most of the work putting the crew together I felt our relationship could no longer go on. The crew new vision was put forward as an elite crew of good players that wanted to be part of a small up and coming crew. Rules were made and set in place. The Crew power structure was changed to 1 Leader and three commish. LMFAO was kept as commish for his loyalty from the beginning and since at the time this happened he wasn’t around and was busy away from the game. LMFAO was later demoted for a short time to LT before being reinstated back to Commish. email address was created. As of reinstatement LMFMO becomes commish and LSMF forms the LSMF Racing team where he is posted as Racing Commissioner. Also at this time the Team Deathmatch Division was formed with Rerun and another person training members to be elite. The other military minded member left. During this time BigBulletTRP was away from the game and Rerun_Shoota took charge of training the crew and getting new members.


This time period will be forever known as the beginning and foundation of the Los Santos Mafia Family where it stands today.


Oct 2013 to Dec 2013. The crew grew two times to over 300 before being cut and scaled back. The crew grows to become one of Rockstar Social Club’s up and coming GTA Crews. Others come and go and the foundation of Josh, Wisky, Westside, Fontastic, grows as a unit and become commissioners. In Nov 2013 dreamxemmilee becomes the first woman to join the crew with Star SJ following later. Crew jumps to top 40th in the world in Team Deathmatch


Dec 2013 LSMF host first Team Deathmatch Tourny and Crew v Crew Friendly’s building relationships with other Rockstar great crews including the YRA and Shine Thugz. LSMF Facebook page debuts. Crew’s ranking stays in the top 30 in the world in team deathmatch


Jan 2014 - LSMF Website and YouTube Page debuts. LSMF New logo is created. Crew ranking with new members reaches #27th before leveling off. LSMF goes 8-0 during 1/19/14 vs. YRA, Murder Clan and Italian Boss War. Crew lost only match in the month to West Coast Argentina during one week for a 4-1 Crew and 11-2 Match record. Relations are cut off with WCAR and WCAR was put on Rival list.


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